News & Events

International Day at Sunshine Park!
International Day is an annual event held at our Sunshine Park facility. It is the brain child of our wonderful Business Support Officer - Assunta Wambeck. Residents have often commented on the breadth of cultures represented by our staff, and Assunta decided to create International Day, a day where staff come in the national dress of their country, bring dishes that remind them of their culture and show the residents what their culture is like. International Day has been an event in the Sunshine Park calendar now for six years. At Sunshine Park our staff speak an incredible 31 languages and they really love the opportunity to show off their culture. This year International Day was bigger than ever before, as we welcomed back staff who have worked for us in the past and still love to be a part of this event.
The residents thoroughly enjoyed the day, watching a fashion parade and hearing about the dresses, the food and the culture from around the world. From Butan, to Africa, Scotland to Nepal International Day at Sunshine Park certainly brings the world to our residents.