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For many of us, the ability to read is something we take for granted. For some however, reading can be a difficult and sometimes uncomfortable process, but thanks to man's best friend, dogs are helping thousands of children to become more confident and fluent readers in schools across Australia. Story Dogs was founded in NSW is 2009, based on a similar program in the US. The calming, non-judgmental presence of a dog to read to is proving to have remarkable improvements in literacy for children experiencing reading challenges. Dog Teams, made up of a dog and their owner, volunteer in schools across Australia thanks to the generous donation of sponsors that make it possible.

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Friday 14th August 2020 marked the Grand Opening of Roshana Care Group's expanded Aged Care facility Annie Bryson McKeown in Albany WA. Brand new rooms with private ensuite now available! The expanded facility boasts modern equipment, fit-outs, appliances, and a spectacular Spencer Park ocean view.

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Dr. Rosh Jalagge, who started from humble beginnings in Sri Lanka and went on to become a successful entrepreneur in Australia's Health Care Industry; He was recently awarded an Honorary Doctorate for his outstanding achievements as a highly successful entrepreneur and for his dedication to improving lives and communities. We at Roshana Care Group, are honored to be a part of his legacy and his mission of caring for humankind.

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International Day is an annual event held at our Sunshine Park facility.  It is the brain child of our wonderful Business Support Officer  - Assunta Wambeck.  Residents have often commented on the breadth of cultures represented by our staff, and Assunta decided to create International Day, a day where staff come in the national dress of their country, bring dishes that remind them of their culture and show the residents what their culture is like.  International Day has been an event in the Sunshine Park calendar now for six years.  At Sunshine Park our staff speak an incredible 31 languages and they really love the opportunity to show off their culture.  This year International Day was bigger than ever before, as we welcomed back staff who have worked for us in the past and still love to be a part of this event.

The residents thoroughly enjoyed the day, watching a fashion parade and hearing about the dresses, the food and the culture from around the world.  From Butan, to Africa, Scotland to Nepal International Day at Sunshine Park certainly brings the world to our residents.

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Roshana Group showcased its state-of-the-art Aged Care and Mental Health Care facilities and services to around 5,000 keen guests at the Care & Ageing Expo 2019. Held at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre on 3rd & 4th August, the Expo provided the general public with a great opportunity to explore health care services best suited for their needs.

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Roshana Care Group had the wonderful opportunity to join 500 school children looking at career opportunities in Northam on the 8th September.

It was really great to see so many interested young people with insightful questions to ask about a career in aged care.

We also enjoyed the opportunity to connect with other employers in the Wheatbelt.

Looking forward to hiring some young people from the Expo in the future.

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Hon. Ken Wyatt, AM, MP; Minister for Indigenous Health, and Minister for Senior Australia and Aged Care paid an official visit to Sunshine Park on the 4th of March 2019. This visit was with regards to the Aged Care Approvals Round (ACAR) sanction of more than 3000 beds for Aged Care services in 2019. Sunshine park, being one of the ACAR approved Aged Care facilities of WA, was chosen by the honorable minister to hold the media release of this great news.

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Our Christmas events on site were filled with joy as residents, visitors, and staff alike wore smiles all around. Despite the challenges of 2022, Roshana Care Group concluded the year with some much-needed holiday cheer. Each of our sites was adorned with beautiful decorations, delicious food, and surprise guests, leaving everyone delighted. 

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R U Ok day is such an important day to acknowledge.  At Roshana Care Group we arranged for our Chef's to create yellow cupcakes and we encouraged our staff and residents to start a conversation.

R U Ok day is a fantastic initiative to empower us all to meaningfully connect and lend support.  R U Ok is a harm prevention charity that encourages us to stay connected and have conversations that can help.

It was lovely to see our staff and residents really connect with the theme.  R U Ok is a question we can ask any time and not just on the 9th September.

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At our facilities, we celebrate International Day every year. Our residents often express appreciation for the diverse cultural backgrounds of our staff. International Day allows us to showcase our cultures. On this day, staff don their traditional clothing, bring dishes that remind them of their heritage, and share their unique cultures with the residents. International Day has been a fixture on our facilities calendar for many years, and our staff, who collectively speak an impressive 31 languages, relish the chance to exhibit their cultural pride. This year's International Day was the biggest yet, with past staff members returning to join in the festivities. 

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On Saturday 4th September 2021, Roshana Care Group had the great pleasure of hosting the wedding of two of our residents, Liz & Arthur at our Queensland Lifestyle Village Parklands. 

It was  a spectacular event, with the theme of the day being ''elegant casual with a tropical overlay".  Liz & Arthur have been best friends for 36 years, and when Liz's friendship ring went missing, Arthur replaced it with an engagement ring.  The best man flew in from Perth, but unfortunately a few of the other guests were unable to make it due to COVID restrictions.  Liz & Arthur were very appreciative of our staff who stepped up to fulfill roles in the bridal party on the day.   

Liz & Arthur wanted us to say a big thank you to Deserae McGill our wonderful Facility Manager at Parklands, and her staff for all they did to make the day so special.

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Roshana Group celebrated 2018 in style with a Gala Night and award ceremony which was held on the 8th of December, 2018 at the Grand Ballroom of Crown Perth. This event was organised in celebration of the hard work, loyalty, and dedication of the Roshana staff towards the success of the company.

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WA Premier Mark McGowan recently visited Sunshine Park Aged Care & Lifestyle Village in Lesmurdie (WA), which has recently been acquired by Burswood Care Pty Ltd (Roshana Care Group) as part of their other acquired sites such as Gwen Hardie Aged Care and Annie Bryson McKeown Aged Care in Albany (WA).

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Roshana Aged Care facility – Sunshine Park, was graced by the presence of a highly distinguished guest on Sunday, 10th January 2021. WA Premier Hon. Mark McGowan took time to converse with and get to know the residents and staff, following morning tea with the Roshana Team. Member for Kalamunda Mr Matthew Hughes MLA also attended. Roshana Care Group CEO Rosh Jalagge then had a brief discussion with The Premier about new and exciting ventures of the Group. We thank both The Premier and Member for Kalamunda for giving our team and residents their valuable time!
